Home>>2013 03 issue list
[BAI Yunª²song£¬ ZHANG Xueª²jun£¬ QI Xinª²yu£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive The analysis of treatment for lumbosacral malformation in pediatrics by posterior cutting hemivertebrae.Methods13 patients of lumbosacral malformation were treated and followed up since Feb. 2005 to Feb. 2012.Results5 patients to make use of ilium screw and hook were disaffected because some complications to appear£¬ as aggravating scoliosis£¬ pelvis incline£¬ displacement of ilium screw and hook. 8 patients who made use of lumbosacral screw after cut hemivertebrae from... [MORE...]
[FAN Jingª²yi£¬ SUN Lin£¬ ZHANG Xueª²jun£¬et al]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To discuss the effectiveness and complications of 8ª²plate in dealing with the correction of length discrepancies & angular deformeties of the limbs in children according to the clinical data and regular followª²up.MethodsWe treated 44children with length discrepancies & angular deformeties of the limbs(61 limbs) by 8ª²plate during 2009/5~2012/10.Regular followª²up was enrolled after the operation.ResultsWe found that After 5~36 months¡¯ followª²up£¬ the Femurª²Tibia... [MORE...]
[ZHANG Boª²hao£¬ WU Yongª²tao£¬ MIAO Wuª²sheng£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To Explore the clinical ideal method of surgical diagnosis and treatment of the Congenital pseudarthrosis of the clavicle in children.MethodsFrom 2004 to 2012£¬ 6 cases (6 side)of the Congenital pseudarthrosis of the clavicle were fulfilled the inclusion criteria. 2 males and 4 females; aged 5.3 years (from 4 to 7.5 years)£¬ 5 cases occured on the right side£¬the only one with dextrocardia occured on the left.1 had a certain degree of difficulty during overhead activiti... [MORE...]
[HUANG Jinª²Cheng1£¬ LIAN Hongª²Kai2£¬ BAI Yu3£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To explore the outcome of the ulnar osteotomy plus the fixation of the radial head with a transª²articular wire in missed Monteggia fracture.MethodsIn a prospective study£¬34 patients presented with missed Monteggia fracture were studied. All children underwent ulnar osteotomy plus the fixation of the radial head with a transª²articular wire.ResultsThirty patients were followed up for an average duration of 16.9 months (range 4 to28 months). Three patients with the radi... [MORE...]
[JIA Zhongª²wei£¬ BAI Deª²ming£¬ LONG Jiangª²tao£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the operative opportunity of the polydactyly in children.MethodsA clinical study was performed on 119 fingers of the 102 patients (including 67 males£¬35 females£»mean age 1ª±62¡À2.36 years£»range 2 months to 13 years£»left hands was involved in 23 cases£¬ the right one in 62 cases£¬ and both hands in 17 cases£»5 case with syndactyly) of polydactyly were surgical treated from August 2008 to December 2011. All patients underwent detailed physical examination and... [MORE...]
[WANG Jiª²meng£¬ ZHANG Minª²gang£¬ YAN Xueª²xiang.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To observe the short term results of treatment of Leggª²Calveª²Perthes Disease (LCPD) in children with cheilectomy.MethodsFour Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) patients (4 hips) were included in this study£¬ 2 boys and 2 girls respectively. All 4 patients received expectant treatment£¬ and were left with sequelae of LCPD. The deformed femoral head made it difficult to perform operative reduction. The valgus lipª²like bone was removed by knife. And the femoral head... [MORE...]
[ZHOU Ying£¬ WANG Xueª²feng£¬ HU Jiª²meng£¬et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the optimal management for severe pancreatic blunt injury (AAST ¢óand ¢ô) in children.MethodsWe analyzed the cases of blunt pancreatic injury(AAST ¢óand ¢ô) retrospectively. Clinical data were collected. Twelve Patients were divided into three groups (2 expectant treatment£¬ 5 external drainage and 5 ERCP). Length of hospital stay£¬ improvement to clinical symptoms£¬ and duration for hemodiastase decreased to normal£¬ feeding by mouth after treatment£¬ complica... [MORE...]
[MA Liª²dong£¬ LI Chunª²lei£¬ ZHOU Fuª²jin£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To explore the feasibility and clinical efficacy of a one stage treatment of pediatric appendiceal abscess with laparoscopy.MethodA retrospective analysis of 17 cases children periappendiceal abscess treated from Nov£¬2010 to Nov£¬ 2012£¬ 10 males£¬ 7 females£¬ age 6.78 ¡À 3.46 years. Course of disease: (3-11) days. Imaging showed a right lower quadrant mass. All patients confirmed for appendiceal abscess via laparoscopic surgery and underwent appendectomy and abdominal dr... [MORE...]
[GU Qi£¬ LI Long£¬ YE Hui£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the clinical value of the single port laparoscopic techiniques for inguinal hernia and hydrocele in children.MethodsFrom Jan 2011 to Jun 2012£¬ one hundred-eighteen children (76 chidren with inguinal hernia and 42 children with hydrocele) underwent the single port laparoscopic ligation of internal ring.ResultsAll of children underwent this operation successfully. The mean duration of surgery was 15 minutes in children with unilateral lesion£¬ and the mea... [MORE...]
[XING Liª²li, WU Yeª²ming, ZHANG Chi.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive This study was designed to investigate the effects of ursolic acid in proliferation¡¢apoptosis and MYCN gene mRNA expression of SHª²SYª²5Y cell line cultured in vitro, in order to investigate the effect of ursolic acid (UA) in neuroblastoma(NB).MethodNeuroblastoma SHª²SYª²5Y cells were treated by 4 uM/L¡¢8 uM/L¡¢12 uM/L ursolic acid.WSTª²1 was used to measure the levels of the proliferation of SHª²SYª²5Ycells cultured with different concentrations of ursolic acid. While SHª²SYª²... [MORE...]
[LIU Deª²hong1£¬3£¬ SHEN Liª²ping1£¬ CAI Lei3£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive Amhr2 protein is the specific protein of testicle tissue. We generated a new transgenic line expressing Cre recombinase under the control of an Amhr2 gene promoter (Amhr2ª²Cre) to investigate sexual development.MethodsMicroinjection was employed to introduce the 7.1 kb transgenic fragment into oocytes£¬and progenies were obtained. PCR detected expression of Amhr2ª²Cre transgene within testicle tissue containing leydig cells. Transgenic line was crossed with ROSA26 repor... [MORE...]
[LUO Xianª²yong£¬WANG Jiaª²xiang£¬YANG Heª²ying£¬et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To discuss the diagnosis£¬ differential diagnosis and treatment of congenital hepatic cysts in children.MethodsThe clinical data of 9 patients with congenital hepatic cysts who had been treated in our hospital from 2003 to April 2012 was retrospectively analyzed£¬ and the clinical diagnosis and treatment experiences were summarized.Results6 cases of all went through surgery£¬ 2 cases chose puncture drainage£¬ 1 case chose conservative treatment.ConclusionsThe pathogenesi... [MORE...]
[LIN Zhengª²xiu£¬ ZHAO Yiª²ming£¬ LI Zhongª²rong£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objective To Summarize the diagnosis and treatment of retroperitoneal teratomas£¨RTs£©.MethodsA retrospective analysis of the clinical data of 29 cases of RTs patients admitted to our department from May 2000 to March 2012£¬ and analysis of its clinical manifestations£¬ ultrasound£¬ CT£¬ MRI and other imaging findings£¬ preoperative determination of serum AFP and histopathological classification.Results29 cases were performed with complete resection of the tumor£¬ and all patients we... [MORE...]
[CAO Hui£¬ ZHANG Hongª²wei£¬ ZOU Huaª²xin£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To evaluate the efficacy of antierior sagittal anorectoplasty in imperforate anus with rectovestibular fistula.MethodsThe posterior wall and the side wall of the rectum was dealed with fully;the patients continued to have rectal muscle sheath and rectal fistula; The terminal rectum was laid aside the center of the external anal sphincter £¬so the patients kept a normal perimeum.Results86 patients were operated successfully£¬ all our patients of imperforate anus with re... [MORE...]
[WANG Xianª²shu£¬ ZHANG Xiaoª²ru£¬ YANG Zhiª²guo£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective ObjetiveTo analyze the repair methods of lung injury in various pediatric thoracotomy.Methods2400 cases of pediatric thoracotomy in our department from February 1990 to February 2011 were retrospectively analyzed.47 cases of various degrees of lung injury was encountered and all were repaired by muscleª²piece pasting.ResultsThe results were satisfactory in all cases after 1 to 3 years followª²up and more than 2 times lung CT scan.There was no adverse reactions such as nodules£¬s... [MORE...]
[XU Bing1£¬ PENG Bing2£¬ CAO liª²ming£¬et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To review our experience in Laparoscopic splenectomy in children.MethodsFrom April 2007 to June 2011£¬35 children (18 boys and 17 girls) aged from 4 years and 10 months to 16 years and 3 months (mean 8 years and 7 months)underwent laparoscopic splenectomy .ResultsThe operation in the all cases had been performed successfully without any severe complications. The average time of the operation was 125 minutes. The average bleeding volume during the procedure was 25 ml.C... [MORE...]
[FENG Wei£¬ CHEN Yongª²wei]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of infant chylous ascites.MethodsRetrospective analysis of 7cases of infant chylous ascites that we treated from 2004 to 2011£¬ All the cases of patients were using water fasting£¬ combined with intravenous nutrition conservative treatment£¬supplemented by intermittent abdominal paracentesis or peritoneal drainage treatment.ResultsSeven patients were improved after treatment£¬no significant recurrence.ConclusionsInfant chylous a... [MORE...]
[JIN Ruiª²juan£¬ SUN Duoª²cheng£¬ XU Lin£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the imaging features and differential diagnosis about cervical occupying lesions in the child.MethodsThe Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) imaged 73 children in our hospital with cervical occupying lesions were retrospectively studied£¬ all the patients have confirmed by pathologically. Images were got by CT scans using Siemens 128ª²slice of Blance spiral CT and GE Signa Ovation EXCITE 0.35T open permanent magnet magnetic reso... [MORE...]
[YANG Zengª²lei£¬ ZHANG Gang£¬ WANG Shengª²xing£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To summarize the experience of Snodgrass and Onlay technique in the treatment of hypospadias£¬and to compare the curative effect between the two surgical styles£®MethodsThe curative effect of 140 patients with hypospadias treated by Snodgrass or Onlay from November 2006 to July 2012 was retrospectively analyzed£®ResultsIn Snodgrass group£¬ the cure rate of patients was 73.7£¥£¬the urinary fistula rate was 18.4£¥£¬ and the urethral stricture rate was 11.8£¥; In Onlay group£¬ th... [MORE...]
[KUANG Riª²yu£¬ ZHANG Xiª²ying£¬ ZHU Shiª²li£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the anesthetic effect of sevoflurane combined with remifentanil intravenous anesthesia for pediatric tracheal foreign body removal surgery; and compare the advantages and disadvantages with the anesthetic method that is now commonly used in our department.Methods40 children with foreign bodies in bronchial£¬ aged 2 to 5 years old£¬ were randomly divided into two groups: sevoflurane and remifentanil anesthesia group (S group); ketamine and propofol combin... [MORE...]
[LI Kai£¬ ZHOU Ling£¬ DAI Tingª²ting£¬ et al.]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the utility of CT urography (CTU) reconstruction in preoperative of miniª²percutaneous nephrolithotomy under typeª²B ultrasound guidance in the treatment of complex renal calculi.MethodsThe 24 cases of complex renal calculi in patients with minimally invasive miniª²percutaneous nephrolithotomy line lithotripsy application of CT urography in the preoperative threeª²dimensional reconstruction techniques to learn the location of kidney stones£¬ shapes£¬ positio... [MORE...]
[LI Xiaoª²song£¬ REN Songª²lin£¬ LIU Lu£¬ et al]
[Absract] Objective Objetive To investigate the effective diagnosis and treatment and the clinical features of omental cyst in children.MethodsThe clinical materials of 12 cases of omental cyst who were hospitalized in our hospital in recent 5 years were analyzed. Patients with omental cysts usually present with abdominal distention and a painless abdominal mass.ResultsAll patients were diagnosed before operation, and the diagnostic procedures included ultrasonography£¬Computed Tomography (CT) sc... [MORE...]