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1 Title (centered, generally no more than 20 words; if the subject of the article is funded by various fund projects, mark ¡°*¡± in the upper right corner of the title and project name and number at the foot).
2 Authors (centered; multiple authors and belong to different units, use "1, 2, ..." for corner notes; if you need to mark the correspondence author, please specify, and please provide the corresponding author E-mail").
3 Authors¡¯ unit, zip code, city (centered; non-municipal cities should be added to the name of the province, autonomous region).
4 Abstract is a structured abstract, written according to purpose, method, result, and conclusion. Capitalize with only the first letter of the first word, the rest of the lowercase, the first letter should be capitalized.) The author¡¯s Chinese phonetic name (the last name is the uppercase, the first letter of the name is capitalized, such as ZHAO Daliang, the author unit except the preposition The initials of the words are capitalized.
5 Keywords.
6 DOI number: written by the editorial department.
7 Text: On the preface, materials and methods, results, discussion, reference writing, Chinese references need to be bilingual in both Chinese and English, and provide DOI coding.