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The 7th Biliary Atresia and Pediatric Liver Transplantation Forumwas Successfull
Release people:administrator Release time:2018/10/29 11:17:42 Browse the number:1057
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  The Seventh Biliary Atresia and Pediatric Liver Transplantation Forum organized by Professor Zhan Jianghua of Tianjin Children's Hospital and Professor Gao Wei of Tianjin First Center Hospital was held in Tianjin on October 13-14.

Prof Zhan and Prof Gao : the Organizers of the Conference


  A number of pediatric surgeons and liver transplant specialists from China, the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan attended the meeting, including the Vice-president of Hong Kong University, Professor Paul Tam,and Professor Kenneth Wong from Queen Mary Hospital. We also invited Professor Rakesh Sindhi from the Pediatric Transplant Center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Professor Nigel Heaton from the Institute of Liver Research at King's College Hospital in London, and Professor Mureo Kasahara from the National Cheng Yu Medical Research Center in Japan.



  In addition, Prof. Shen Zhongyang, president of Tianjin First Central Hospital, Prof. Liu Wei, president of Tianjin Children's Hospital, Prof. Song Ying, president of Urumqi Children's Hospital, and experts from major hospitals in China also attended the meeting. With the opening of the conference, three presidents delivered a brilliant speech.


  The theme of this conference is "Big Love and No Self", which reflects the enthusiasm and selfless dedication of pediatric surgeons and pediatric liver transplant doctors in the field of children's medical care.
  At the meeting, a number of experts delivered important speeches on the hot topics and latest research progress of biliary atresia and liver transplantation, which systematically discussed the effect of cholangitis on the prognosis of Kasai operation, and how to select the hormone and antibiotic after Kasai operation, and shared the experience of postoperative complications. In addition, the latest research on the pathogenesis and treatment of biliary atresia, TGF-B1 pathway and BA liver fibrosis, the precise Kasai operation and the experience of postoperative nutritional therapy were presented. At the same time, the experts also elaborated the postoperative immunosuppressive program selection, multidisciplinary management, and how to prolong the survival of liver transplant patients. The speakers answered kinds of problems in the treatment of biliary atresia, which dedicated to us a wonderful academic feast! During the interval of the meeting, the participants exchanged ideas with professors on their own concerns, and the academic atmosphere was very grumous.




  At the end of the meeting, Professor Zhan Jianghua summarized the meeting and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the experts and professors who attended the meeting.
  This Forum provided a platform of learning and communication to the majority of pediatric surgeons and liver transplant doctors. It will facilitate the implementation of the treatment plan for biliary atresia, and improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of biliary atresia and pediatric liver transplantation.