临床小儿外科杂志  2023, Vol. 22 Issue (1): 92-96  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn101785-202106053-018


林小燕, 张恒, 卓金伟, 等. 儿童Rapunzel综合征诊治分析[J]. 临床小儿外科杂志, 2023, 22(1): 92-96.   DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn101785-202106053-018
Lin X, Zhang H, Zhuo J, et al. Rapunzel syndrome in children: a report of 5 cases with a review of the literature[J]. J Clin Ped Sur, 2023, 22(1): 92-96.   DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn101785-202106053-018




张恒,Email: zhangheng2114890@163.com


林小燕 , 张恒 , 卓金伟 , 王羲勤     
丽水市中心医院小儿外科, 丽水 323000
摘要目的 探讨儿童Rapunzel综合征的临床特点及诊治对策。方法 回顾性分析2019年1月至2021年5月丽水市中心医院收治的5例Rapunzel综合征患儿临床表现、治疗过程和转归资料。以检索词“Rapunzel/长发公主、毛发结石”检索万方、维普、中国知网数据库, 以“Rapunzel syndrome、trichobezoar”检索PubMed、Embase数据库相关文献, 剔除文献综述、重复报道病例、成人病例及无法获得详细资料的病例后, 对相关文献进行复习和总结。结果 本院5例均为女性, 4例长发, 1例短发且有秃发。5例均以呕吐、腹痛、腹部包块等胃肠道梗阻症状就诊。5例均于术前经胃镜和(或)CT等检查证实存在消化道异物, 结合有食毛或拔毛史, 经手术确诊为Rapunzel综合征。1例伴电解质紊乱、多发小肠穿孔; 1例伴营养不良、体重下降; 1例并发肠缺血坏死, 2例无明显并发症及合并症。5例均通过小切口剖腹手术取出毛发团块, 平均手术时间2h, 平均住院时间10d, 均恢复良好顺利出院。出院后于本院精神卫生科随诊, 随访时间3个月至3年, 平均随访时间1.7年, 随访期间无一例复发。共收集Rapunzel综合征相关文献28篇(52例), 男女比例为3∶49, 平均年龄11.73岁, 有拔毛史35例(35/52, 67.3%); 均行手术治疗, 以开腹手术为主(39/52, 75%), 以胃肠切开取异物术为主要术式; 51例预后良好, 1例术前合并胃穿孔患儿术后因重度营养不良、持续消化道出血死亡。结论 儿童Rapunzel综合征往往引起营养不良等非特异性表现, 可导致肠梗阻、隐匿性肠穿孔等并发症。CT和胃镜可早期诊断, 手术是该病的主要治疗手段, 长期精神科随诊及心理治疗可预防复发。
关键词肠梗阻    胃肠结石    胃肠吻合术    肠穿孔    外科手术    儿童    
Rapunzel syndrome in children: a report of 5 cases with a review of the literature
Lin Xiaoyan , Zhang Heng , Zhuo Jinwei , Wang Xiqin     
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Central Municipal Hospital, Lishui 323000, China
Abstract: Objective Rapunzel syndrome is rare in children and delayed diagnosis and treatment may lead to various complications. The purpose of this paper was to explore the clinical characteristics and diagnostic and treatment countermeasures of Rapunzel syndrome in children. Methods From January 2019 to May 2021, retrospective review was conducted for clinical manifestations, treatment courses and outcomes of five hospitalized cases of children with Rapunzel syndrome. The search terms of "Rapunzel/Princess Rapunzel, trichobezoar" were employed for searching the databases of Wanfang, Wipu, CNKI and "Rapunzel syndrome, trichobezoar". The relevant literatures of PubMed and Embase databases were summarized after excluding literature reviews, repeated cases, adult cases and cases for which detailed information was non-available. Results All five children were female, four with long hair and one with short hair and alopecia. Clinical manifestations included gastrointestinal obstruction such as vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal masses, etc. All five cases were confirmed to have gastrointestinal foreign bodies by gastroscopy and/or CT pre-operation and the diagnosis of Rapunzel's syndrome was finally confirmed by a history of hair eating or plucking. Complications were electrolyte disturbance and multiple small bowel perforations (n=1), malnutrition and weight loss (n=1) and intestinal ischemic necrosis (n=1). The remainders had no significant complications or comorbidities. Hair masses were removed by small incisional dissection. The average operative duration was 2h and the average hospital stay 10 days. All of them recovered well and were discharged successfully. After discharge, consultations with mental health department continued. None of them had recurrence during the mean follow-up period of 1.7 years (3 months to 3 years). Through a literature retrieval, a total of 28 literature reports in Chinese and English were collected, with 52 cases with a male to female ratio of 3 ∶ 49 and 94.2% of females. The mean age was 11.73 years and there were 28 cases with a history of hair extraction (28/52, 53.8%). Fifty-two children were operated and laparotomy (39/52, 75%) predominated with gastroenterostomy for foreign body removal. The outcome was excellent in 51 of them, except for one child with preoperative gastric perforation who died postoperatively due to severe malnutrition and persistent gastrointestinal bleeding. Conclusion Rapunzel syndrome in children often causes non-specific manifestations such as malnutrition and can lead to complications such as intestinal obstruction and occult bowel perforation, and delayed treatment may be life-threatening. CT and gastroscopy may provide an early diagnosis and surgery remains a major treatment. Long-term psychiatric follow-ups and psychotherapy prevents a recurrence.
Key words: Intestinal Obstruction    Bezoars    Gastroenterostomy    Intestinal Perforation    Surgical Procedures, Operative    Child    

Rapunzel综合征又称长发公主综合征(Rapunzel syndrome, RS),此综合征根据格林兄弟同名童话中的主角长发公主Rapunzel命名。1968年Vaughan等[1]首次报道了以RS命名的这一罕见而严重的疾病症状,患者长期吞食毛发,以致大量毛发在胃肠道聚集形成较坚固的异物团块,进而在胃肠蠕动作用下形成一鼠尾样异物,自幽门延伸到空肠、回肠甚至结肠。国内外关于RS的文献多为个案报道。本文报道丽水中心医院5例患儿的诊治经过,并进行相关文献复习,为此类疾病的临床诊疗提供参考。

病例资料 一、本院患儿临床资料

丽水市中心医院2019年1月至2021年5月共收治5例RS导致急性胃肠梗阻患儿,年龄5~12岁,均为女性。4例长发,1例短发且有秃发现象。病程(从出现症状到就诊时间)4~7 d,均以呕吐、腹痛、腹部包块等胃肠道梗阻症状就诊,1例存在电解质紊乱,1例营养不良、体重下降,另外3例全身情况尚可。5例均有食毛或拔毛史,术前均经胃镜和(或)CT检查证实存在消化道异物。

5例均于入院24 h内于全身麻醉下行急诊手术,1例尝试腹腔镜手术失败而中转剖腹探查术,4例直接行剖腹探查术。取右中腹横行小切口入腹,探查至肠管扩张狭窄移行处寻及异物,切开胃或肠管取出异物,予肠管减压,探查全胃肠道有无隐匿性胃肠穿孔、肠缺血坏死、消化道畸形。1例术中切开小肠后取出鼠尾状毛发粪石团块,小肠肠壁淤血严重,浆肌层多处坏死灶,行“小肠切开异物取出术+肠部分切除肠吻合术”。3例鼠尾状毛发团块位于胃内,尾端延伸入十二指肠(图 1),其中2例术前胃镜检查发现毛发团块,曾尝试胃镜下取出失败,直接行胃切开取异物术;1例位于胃内且鼠尾端延伸入十二指肠、小肠内,距十二指悬韧带20~50 cm处空肠段发现8处隐匿性穿孔,各穿孔灶之间仅相隔3.0~5.0 cm,为避免遗漏穿孔灶而行小肠部分切除术,最终行“胃切开异物取出术+小肠部分切除肠吻合术”(图 2)。平均手术时间2 h,平均住院时间10 d,5例均经手术治疗痊愈出院。出院后精神卫生科随诊,随访时间3个月至3年,平均随访1.7年,随访期间无一例复发。5例患儿临床表现、手术情况及治疗结果见表 1

图 1 1例Rapunzel综合征患儿的术前CT图像 Fig.1 Preoperative CT image of a child with Rapunzel syndrome   A:CT平扫横断位,图像显示胃腔、十二肠腔内巨大混杂含气密度影(白色五角星),团块内强化不明显,团块尾部见“鼠尾征”延伸入小肠(白色箭头);B:冠状位CT平扫,见十二肠腔内巨大混杂含气密度影,团块内强化不明显,团块尾部可见“鼠尾征”延伸入小肠(白色箭头)

图 2 1例Rapunzel综合征患儿外貌、胃镜图像及术中所见 Fig.2 External appearance, gastroscopic images and intraoperative views of a child with Rapunzel syndrome   A:患儿外观营养不良、秃发;B: 胃内可见毛发团块;C:术中小肠图,可见空肠多发隐匿性穿孔,拨开浆肌层表面粘连可发现穿孔灶(白色箭头),肠壁浆肌层表面假性瘢痕粘连(黑色箭头),拨开粘连可见隐匿性穿孔灶;D:术中于胃肠内取出毛发团块

表 1 本院5例Rapunzel综合征患儿的临床表现、手术情况及治疗结果 Table 1 Clinical presentations, surgical approaches and outcomes of 5 children with Rapunzel syndrome

共搜索到RS中英文文献报道28篇,病例数52例(表 2)。

表 2 2005—2021年文献报道的儿童Rapunzen综合征病例资料 Table 2 Rapunzen syndrome in children reported in the literature from 2005 to 2021

RS是一种罕见病,是指由于吞入毛发在胃内形成毛团,在胃肠蠕动作用下形成一鼠尾样异物,从幽门延伸到空肠、回肠甚至结肠的毛发结石[9]。由于腔内结石体积较大,可发生梗阻或穿孔的急性表现。毛发结石好发于拔毛癖人群,又称冲动控制障碍(trichotillomania, TTM),被认为是一种反复拔除毛发的强迫行为,常导致大片头皮光秃。TTM患病率为0.5 % ~2.0 %,以青少年时期(10~13岁)发病居多,年轻女性常见[30]。超过20%的TTM患者拔出头发后会选择将其吃掉,从而导致RS。相关研究表明,TTM不仅是心理疾病,还可能与基因、环境因素有关[31-32]。本组病例中我们根据胃肠道梗阻表现,结合患儿长发或脱发等情况,合理怀疑患儿存在TTM。







利益冲突  所有作者声明不存在利益冲突

作者贡献声明   文献检索为林小燕、张恒;论文调查设计为林小燕、张恒;数据收集与分析为林小燕、卓金伟、王羲勤;论文结果撰写为林小燕;论文讨论分析为林小燕、张恒

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