临床小儿外科杂志  2020, Vol. 19 Issue (11): 1016-1020  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-6353.2020.11.011


陈发玲, 徐伟珏, 黄雄, 等. 一期肠切除肠吻合术治疗新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎后肠狭窄[J]. 临床小儿外科杂志, 2020, 19(11): 1016-1020.
Chen FL, Xu WJ, Huang X, et al. Experience of treatment of intestinal stenosis after one-stage intestinal resectional anastomosis for neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis[J]. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery, 2020, 19(11): 1016-1020.




徐伟珏, Email:fafa84074138@126.com


陈发玲 , 徐伟珏 , 黄雄 , 盛庆丰 , 吕志宝 , 路丽     
上海市儿童医院 (上海市, 200040)
摘要目的 总结一期肠切除肠吻合术治疗新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(necrotizing enterocolitis,NEC)后肠狭窄的经验。方法 回顾性分析2012年6月至2019年6月上海市儿童医院普外科行一期肠切除肠吻合术治疗的18例NEC后肠狭窄患儿临床资料(包括确诊NEC后至肠狭窄的时间、手术年龄、狭窄部位、术后并发症等)并进行经验总结。结果 18例确诊NEC后至肠狭窄的平均时间为45.7天;手术时平均日龄73.8天。狭窄部位仅1处者14例:7例位于回肠末端,5例位于升结肠,2例位于降结肠;多发狭窄者4例,其中1例位于回盲部和降结肠乙状结肠交界部,1例位于回肠末端和降结肠乙状结肠交界部,1例位于升结肠和横结肠中段,1例位于结肠肝曲和脾曲。5例出现术后并发症,其中4例再次行肠造瘘术,原因分别为:2例吻合口漏、1例吻合口狭窄、1例吻合口近端肠粘连扭转坏死;另1例再发回盲部狭窄,再行肠切除肠吻合术。18例均获随访,预后良好,4例肠造瘘者已关瘘3例,无其他并发症。结论 一期肠切除肠吻合术治疗NEC后肠狭窄效果整体良好,狭窄常发于末端回肠和升结肠。诊断需综合临床表现及消化道造影结果,术中需对可疑肠管注水充盈以排除多发狭窄。NEC后肠狭窄有一定的发病形成时间,需把握一期手术时机并保证剩余肠管质量,避免发生术后再发狭窄或其他并发症。
关键词小肠结肠炎, 坏死性    胃肠吻合术    婴儿, 新生    
Experience of treatment of intestinal stenosis after one-stage intestinal resectional anastomosis for neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
Chen Faling , Xu Weijue , Huang Xiong , Sheng Qingfeng , Lü Zhibao , Lu Li     
Department of General Surgery, Shanghai Children's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200062, China
Abstract: Objective To summarize the treatment of intestinal stenosis after one-stage intestinal resectional anastomosis for neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Methods Clinical data were retrospectively reviewed for 18 NEC children with stenosis after one-stage intestinal resectional anastomosis from June 2012 to June 2019.The relevant data included time from a diagnosis of NEC to intestinal stenosis, operative age, location of stenosis and postoperative complications. Results The average time from a diagnosis of NEC to intestinal stenosis was 45.7 days and the average operative age 73.8 days.The locations were terminal ileum (n=7), ascending colon (n=5) and descending colon (n=2).And multiple stenoses were found at ileocecal & hypoglycemic junctions (n=1), terminal ileum & hypoglycemic junction (n=1), ascending & middle transverse colons (n=1) and colonic hepatic & spleen curvatures (n=1).The causes of complications were anastomotic leak (n=3), anastomotic stenosis (n=1) and anastomotic proximal intestinal adhesion (n=1).And 4/5 complicated cases underwent intestinal re-ostomy.Three cases of intestinal ostomy achieved closure and had no other complications.During follow-ups, the prognosis was decent. Conclusion One-stage intestinal resectional anastomosis is generally effective for intestinal stenosis after NEC.Stenosis occurs frequently in terminal ileum and ascending colon.A definite diagnosis is based upon clinical manifestations and gastrointestinal angiography.Suspicious bowel is filled with water intraoperatively for excluding multiple stenoses.NEC has a certain onset time for intestinal stenosis.It is necessary to grasp the timing of one-stage surgery and ensure the quality of remaining intestinal tract to avoid postoperative recurrence of stenosis.
Key words: Enterocolitis, Necrotizing    Gastroenterostomy    Infant, Newborn    

新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(necrotizing enterocolitis, NEC)是新生儿(尤其是早产儿)常见的急性消化道疾病[1]。近年来随着早产儿及低出生体重儿人数的增多,NEC发病率有所上升;伴随着围产期和新生儿重症医学技术的进步,NEC急性期的病死率有所下降,因此炎症后的肠狭窄病例愈来愈多[2]。本文回顾性分析2012年6月至2019年6月上海市儿童医院普外科行一期肠切除肠吻合术治疗的18例NEC后肠狭窄患儿临床资料,现报道如下。

材料与方法 一、临床资料

患儿临床资料见表 1,包括临床表现、实验室检查、影像学检查、术前诊断、手术方法和疗效。

表 1 18例NEC后肠狭窄患儿的临床资料 Table 1 Clinical data of 18 children with intestinal stenosis after operations for NEC

患儿均在气管插管全身麻醉下进行剖腹探查手术,选取右上腹横切口,探查肝胆胰脾肾未见异常,腹腔内渗液较澄清;探查腹腔见肠管扩张积气积液,并伴有不同部位的肠狭窄,均采用Ligasure或超声刀处理离断系膜血管,切除狭窄段肠管,分别行回肠-回肠、回肠-结肠、结肠-结肠端端吻合术。其中4例因狭窄部位包含回盲部,故回盲部未保留(图 1图 4)。术后病理诊断均为:肠狭窄,慢性炎症细胞浸润聚集伴点灶坏死后改变。

图 1 腹腔内肠管积气明显,肠襻扩张,肠梗阻 Fig.1 Abdominal distension of intestine was obvious with intestinal dilatation and obstruction

图 2 钡剂灌肠造影提示结肠显影,升结肠纤细,造影剂难以进入小肠。同时考虑扩张肠管可能为回肠末端 Fig.2 Barium enema angiography hinted at colonic visualization.Ascending colon was slender and contrast agents were difficult to enter small intestine.And distended intestine might be terminal ileum

图 3 剖腹探查可见箭头所指处回肠末端狭窄,近端肠管扩张 Fig.3 Exploratory laparotomy revealed that terminal ileum was narrow and proximal intestine became dilated

图 4 切除标本可见自回肠末端至升结肠狭窄明显 Fig.4 Excised specimen demonstrated marked stenosis from terminal ileum to ascending colon





NEC后的肠狭窄为继发性狭窄,发生率为11.0% ~35.0%[7]。研究证明,任何引起胎儿肠道损伤和肠系膜血管缺血的因素均可导致肠闭锁与肠狭窄的发生[7]。继发性肠狭窄及肠闭锁的原因目前并不清楚,各家观点不一,但大多数学者认为是血栓及炎症后肠壁缺血性损伤修复的结果。而NEC后肠狭窄发生的时间也存在较大差异,国内沈淳[8]报道的11例平均为29.7天,Schimpl等[9]报道的16例中,NEC治愈后平均49天出现肠狭窄。对于肠狭窄出现的部位来讲,多为回肠末端和结肠,少数为多发狭窄。本组病例中7例位于结肠,7例位于回肠末端,另4例多发狭窄为以上两处位置的不同组合,与文献报道一致。

NEC后肠狭窄主要的临床表现为恢复饮食后出现反复喂养不耐受、宿奶、呕吐、腹胀、排便次数及量的减少等。诊断常借助的影像学检查包括X线、上消化道GI造影和BE钡剂灌肠等。Radhakrishnan等[10]提出在NEC治愈后喂养前常规行GI和BE检查,发现其中仅18%(9/50)的患儿两项造影检查均提示结肠狭窄,且均经手术确认。本组研究中均行BE造影,仅有8例发现不同部位结肠狭窄,本组BE检查无一例发现回肠末端的狭窄,究其原因,首先狭窄位置较高至造影剂无法达到狭窄位置而显影,其次回肠末端狭窄者多数伴有狭窄近段肠管扩张,患儿腹胀明显,BE灌肠若造影剂外溢则检查本身的风险较高,再者本组有10例BE未发现肠狭窄,检查时间为其出现腹胀的早期,此时肠管狭窄可能还未完全形成,而后期急剧的肠管扩张,多以X-ray提示的肠梗阻为根据行剖腹探查。临床上,借助X-ray所示的肠梗阻表现(如明显孤立扩张合并宽大液平面的肠襻),随访后对比无明显改善者,结合临床表现及明确的NEC病史,即便早期BE检查结果为阴性,也应高度怀疑NEC后肠狭窄[11, 12]


虽然本组18例均采用一期肠切除吻合术,13例(13/18,72.22%)预后效果良好,但仍有5例出现术后并发症,因此作者认为该术式的选择仍需病例具备一定基础,主要取决于患者是否处于NEC急性期后以及术中肠管的条件。据报道,肠狭窄多见于NEC急性期后2~3个月内,迟发性的也可出现于发病后20个月,甚至有个案报道NEC后11年出现肠狭窄[14]。若过早行一期肠切除肠吻合术,术后可能因病情进展再发吻合口或其他部位的狭窄,此种情况的判定除需综合患儿的临床表现及炎症指标外,术中探查所有肠管并对可疑狭窄肠管做相应处理也尤为重要[15, 16]。本组并发症中就有1例为吻合口狭窄,二次手术行肠造瘘术;另有1例为再发回盲部狭窄,该例一期肠切除肠吻合术的手术时间为NEC发生后的第51天,术中探查狭窄部位为降结肠和乙状结肠交界处,同时发现升结肠起始部位出现肠管水肿,向该处肠管内注水后肠管充盈并无狭窄,考虑术后有恢复的可能并希望尽可能保留回盲部,当时一期手术仅行降乙交界处的狭窄切除吻合,然而术后1周再次出现狭窄症状,探查即为之前肠壁水肿处形成的回盲部至升结肠狭窄。后期我们也碰到了1例类似病例,鉴于之前的经历,术者在进行了狭窄肠段切除后又在水肿部位近端行保护性造瘘,而关闭造瘘时发现之前水肿部位已发展为完全肠狭窄。对此,一期肠切除肠吻合术在治疗NEC后肠狭窄手术的时间上以及保留肠管的质量上仍需谨慎斟酌。


对于NEC后肠狭窄行一期肠切除肠吻合术,术后存在并发症并行肠造瘘者,二期关瘘手术前需同NEC急性期肠造瘘者一样,首先评估患者一般情况,再行钡剂造影检查,排除造口远端肠管是否再发狭窄[18]。术前行肠道准备时从造口远端注入温盐水,术中对可疑狭窄处注水确保其肠腔通畅,对于多处狭窄者亦可行多处吻合[19, 20]


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