

前列腺囊; 尿道下裂; 膀胱尿道镜

Application of cystourethroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of hypospadias with prostatic utricle.
Tu Lei,Zhao Yaowang,Peng Qianlong,He Jun,Liu Li,Yin Bo,Ning Feng.

Department of Urology,Hunan Children's Hospital,Changsha 410007,China.Corresponding author:Zhao Yaowang,Email:yw508@sina.com

Prostatic Utricle; Hypospadias; Cystourethroscopy

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671— 6353.2018.07.008


目的 探讨膀胱尿道镜检术在重度尿道下裂合并前列腺囊诊治中的必要性和临床经验。方法 回顾性分析本院收治的47例重型尿道下裂合并前列腺囊患者临床资料,年龄1.2~15岁,平均年龄2.8岁。其中尿道开口于阴茎阴囊交界处18例,开口于阴囊15例,开口于会阴部14例。47例均于尿道成形术前行膀胱尿道镜检术,其中3例行前列腺囊切除术。记录所有患者的临床资料,包括B超检查、影像学检查以及膀胱尿道镜检查结果,并进行分析。结果 47例重型尿道下裂患者通过膀胱尿道镜观察到前列腺囊大小不一,长度0.3~3.6 cm,以会阴型的前列腺囊长度最长。通过B超发现前列腺囊31例(59.5%),通过VCUG发现前列腺囊3例(6.4%)。临床表现为反复尿路感染、附睾睾丸炎4例(8.5%),其中3例行腹腔镜下膀胱镜辅助前列腺囊切除术,术后随访临床症状消失,1例拒绝手术,随访中仍存在反复感染症状。结论 膀胱尿道镜检术能准确发现尿道下裂患者的前列腺囊,并能测量前列腺囊的大小、位置。在前列腺囊切除术中,膀胱尿道镜辅助腹腔镜操作,能准确显示前列腺囊的位置,有助于精准完整地切除前列腺囊。
Objective To explore the necessity and application of cystourethroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of hypospadias with prostatic utricle. Methods A total of 47 patients of severe hypospadias with prostatic utricle were recruited.The average age was 2.8(1.2~15)years.The locations of urethral orifice were at the junction of penis & scrotum(n=18),scrotum(n=15)and perineum (n=14).Prior to urethroplasty,cystourethroscopic examination was performed.Three of them underwent cystoscopic-assisted laparoscopic excision of prostatic utricle.Clinical data and results of ultrasound,imaging examinations and cystourethroscopic examination were recorded. Results Under cystourethroscope,the sizes of prostatic utricle varied greatly.The length was 0.3~3.6 cm and the length of perineum was the longest.Among them,31 cases of prostatic utricle were detected by ultrasound(59.5%).Three patients(6.4%)had prostatic utricle on voiding cystourethrography(VCUG).Among 4 patients(8.5%)with epididymitis,3 underwent cystoscopic-assisted laparoscopic excision of prostatic utricle and the symptoms disappeared during postoperative follow-ups.One case refused surgery and developed recurrent infection. Conclusion Cystourethroscopy may detect prostatic utricle in patients with hypospadias and it can measure the size and location of prostatic utricle while other examinations tend to miss its diagnosis.During cystoscopic-assisted laparoscopic excision of prostatic utricle,cystourethroscopic assistance may facilitate counter-traction movements and accurate dissections.