
上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心(上海市,200127), 1. 普外科; 2. 麻醉科; 3. 病理科

食管; 支架; 食管狭窄; 动物, 实验

Experimental treatment of esophageal stricture with biodegradable magnesium alloy stent.
Gu Song1,Gu Hongbin2,Ma Jin3,Huang Siqi1,Wang Jin1,Chen Qimin1.

1.Department of General Surgery; 2.Department of Anesthesiology; 3.Departments of Pathology,Shanghai Children's Medical Center,Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200127,China

Esophagus; Stents; Esophageal Stenosis; Animals, Laboratory

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-6353.2018.01.015


目的 探讨可降解镁合金食管支架在食管狭窄治疗中的可行性。 方法 制作兔食管狭窄动物模型。采用球囊导管扩张法将镁合金食管支架置于实验兔食管狭窄处,评估兔精神、行为和进食变化,生理、生化和病理改变,以及食管狭窄改善情况。 结果 采用NaOH化学烧灼法成功制作兔食管狭窄动物模型,并在4只实验兔的食管狭窄处放置镁合金食管支架,观察期满时(支架放置后12周)发现有3只实验兔体内有支架放射标记残留。食管支架放置后,实验兔精神、行为未见明显异常; 兔进食情况明显改善; 兔各项生理、生化指标未见明显改变; 病理切片HE染色显示食管黏膜完整,黏膜下层可见炎细胞及巨噬细胞浸润; 肝肾未见明显病理性损伤改变。 结论 可降解镁合金食管支架具有安全性高,副作用小,不良反应少等优点。经初步动物实验证实,该支架在治疗兔食管狭窄方面效果良好,具有很大的潜在临床应用前景。
Objective To explore the feasibility of biodegradable magnesium alloy stent in the treatment of esophageal stenosis. Methods The model of esophageal stenosis was established and magnesium alloy stents were placed in esophageal stenosis in 4 rabbits by balloon catheter dilation.Their mental,behavioral,dietary,physiological and biochemical profiles were recorded.And the pathological changes of esophagus,liver and kidney and the improvement of esophageal stenosis were evaluated. Results The animal model of esophageal stenosis was successfully established by sodium hydroxide chemical cauterization.Four radiolabeled magnesium alloy stents were placed in situ and radioactive marker observed in 3/4 rabbits at Week 12 post-stenting.Food intake improved significantly after stenting.No obvious changes occurred in mental,behavioral and blood biochemical parameters.Hematoxylin & eosin staining showed that the esophageal mucosa was complete,there was a submucosal infiltration of inflammatory cells and macrophages infiltrated and liver and kidney showed no obvious change. Conclusion With the advantages of high safety and minimal adverse reaction,the above stent is effective for esophageal stenosis and it has great potentials for clinical application.