

日间手术; 管理模式; 儿童医院

Exploration and practice of daily surgical management at specialized children's hospital from a refinement perspective.
Wang Kewei, Tan Lihong, Tang Xianglian.

Hunan Children's Hospital, Changsha 410007, China. Corresponding author: Tan Lihong, Email: tanlihong118@163.com

Day Surgery; Management Mode; Children's Hospital

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671— 6353.2017.06.019


日间手术是一种先进的手术管理模式,能一定程度上缓解群众“住院难”和“手术难”的问题。湖南省儿童医院于2009年开始探索实施日间手术,采用分散与集中管理并行制模式,建立起较为完善的一站式日间手术流程和职责,对过程的安全与质量进行把控。截止2017年5月底,共计实施日间手术11 256例,涉及小儿普外、泌尿外科和骨科三个专科共计15个病种,在缩短平均住院时间、提高医院服务效率、减少医疗费用和提高患者满意度方面取得了较明显的效果。

As an advanced surgical management mode, day surgery may resolve the difficulties of admission into hospital and operation to some extent. Hunan Children's Hospital began to explore the implementation of day surgery since 2009, adopted the mode of decentralized and centralized management system in parallel and established a more comprehensive one-stop day surgery procedures and responsibilities of controlling the safety and quality of process. By the end of May 2017, a total of 11,256 day operations were performed in three specialties of general surgery, urology and orthopedics. Significant results have been achieved in reducing average hospital stay, improving hospital service efficiency, reducing medical costs and boosting patient satisfaction.