

负压封闭引流; 软组织感染; 修复外科手术; 儿童

Treating deep infectious wounds with vacuum sealing drainage in children.
Wang Yining, Qi Hongyan.

Affiliated Beijing Children's Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 10045,China.Corresponding author: Qi Hongyan,E-mail: doctorwyn@163.com

Vacuum Sealing Drainage; Soft Tissue Infections; Reconstructive Surgical Procedures; Child

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-6353.2017.03.0.20


目的 观察负压封闭引流(Vacuum Sealing Drainage,VSD)技术对各种原因造成的小儿感染性创面的治疗效果并对结果进行分析。 方法 2011年1月至2016年5月对49例患儿的62个因机械外伤、烫伤或感染等所导致的深度皮肤软组织感染创面,应用VSD技术进行前期清创治疗,待创面的新鲜肉芽组织生长良好后予以植皮等方法修复。 结果 49例患儿62个创面使用VSD治疗7~15 d后,创面肉芽组织均能生长良好,植皮成活率在90%左右。未发现贫血、脓毒血症、电解质紊乱等严重并发症。 结论 VSD技术应用于小儿大面积感染创面的修复,能够有效快速去除创面坏死组织,控制感染,刺激创面肉芽组织生长,缩短病程,减少换药痛苦,且无明显不良反应。
Objective To explore the effect of vacuum sealing drainage(VSD)on deep infectious wounds in children. Methods From January 2011 to May 2016,49 children and 62 large-area infectious wounds were treated by VSD debridement and wound was repaired by skin graft and other methods after fresh granulation tissue. Results At 7~15 days after treatment of VSD,all wounds were covered by fresh granulation tissue. And the rate of survival was around 90% after skin grafting. There was on onset of such complications as anemia,pyemia or electrolyte disturbance. Conclusion s VSD can effectively control infectious wound,stimulate the growth of granulation tissue,shorten disease course and reduce dressing-changing pain. It is ideal,safe and reliable for repairing large-area infectious wounds in children.