

心脏病/先天性; 手术后并发症; 漏斗胸; 微创性; Nuss手术

Preliminary experiences of modified Nuss procedure for acquired pectus excavatum after congenital heart disease surgery.
Wu Maojun, Song Bo, Hou Long-long, Li Ying, Li Kuang, Tian Mao-liang, Lv Fang-qi.

Affiliated Hospital,Taishan Medical University,Taian 271000,China

Heart Diseases/CN; Postoperative Complications; Funnel Chest; Minimally Invasive; Nuss Procedure

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-6353.2017.03.0.14


目的 探讨改良Nuss 手术矫治先天性心脏病手术后继发性漏斗胸的初步经验。 方法 2008年6月至2016年1月,我们应用改良Nuss 手术治疗3例先心病手术后继发性漏斗胸患者,均为男性; 年龄分别为4、4.5和9岁,体重 12~21 kg。3例中,2例为室间隔缺损修补术后,1例为法洛氏四联症手术后。畸形为对称性。CT检查Hailer指数5.5±1.5。手术均经剑突下小切口辅助、经原切口完成。 结果 3例均成功实施胸骨和心脏分离、Nuss钢板置入手术(均置入l根钢板),矫形效果优良。矫形外观与原发性漏斗胸初次Nuss手术相比效果稍差。术后胸腔引流管放置3 d。2例随访无钢板移位,术后复查CT、心电图正常; 1例术后合并皮下气肿,为胸骨后气体顺钢板溢出所致,3 d后自行吸收。2例钢板拆除,钢板分别固定24和28个月,胸廓外形保持良好。 结论 改良Nuss手术矫治先天性心脏病手术后继发性漏斗胸安全可行,手术中随着局部解剖改变随时调整手术方案是治疗成功的关键。
Objective To explore the preliminary experiences of modified Nuss procedure for acquired pectus excavatum after congenital heart disease(CHD)surgery. Methods From June 2008 to January 2016,3 CHD boys with recurrent pectus excavatum underwent modified Nuss procedure. The ages were 4,4.5,9 years and weight range was 12~21 kg. The causes were ventricular septal defect(n=2)and tetralogy of Fallot(n=1). Deformities were symmetric. Haller's index was5.5±1.5 on computed tomography(CT). And a small auxiliary incision was made under xiphoid process. Results The separation of sternum and heart was successful. Nuss steel implant was inserted. All orthopedic outcomes were excellent. Postoperative chest drainage tube was placed for 3 days. Two cases had no displacement of steel plate. Both CT and electrocardiogram re-examinations were normal. One case developed postoperative subcutaneous emphysema due to retrosternal gas overflow. Self-absorption occurred within 3 days. Plate fixation screw was removed in 2 cases after fixing for 24 and 28 months. Thoracic cage had an excellent contour. Conclusion s Modified Nuss procedure is efficacious for secondary funnel chest after surgery for CHD.