
1,包钢集团第三职工医院泌尿外科(内蒙古自治区包头市,014010); 2,包头医学院第一附属医院(内蒙古自治区包头市,014010); 3,复旦大学附属儿科医院泌尿外科(上海市,201102)

异位睾丸; 外科手术; 治疗; 预后; 儿童

Clinical diagnosis and treatment of ectopic testicle.
Wang Ning1, Sayin Baigang1, Liu Hong2, Tang Liangfeng3, Ruan Shuangsui3.

1.Department of Urology, Third Staff Hospital, Gaogang Group, Baotou 014010, China; 2.First Affiliated Hospital, Baotou Medical College, Baotou 014010, China; 3.Department of Urology, Children's Hospital, Shanghai 201102, China. Corresponding author: Tang

Ectopic Testis; Surgical Procedures; Therapy; Prognosis; Child

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-6353.2017.02.017


目的 总结19例异位睾丸患儿的诊治过程,探讨临床经验。 方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2015年10月本院收治的19例异位睾丸患儿临床资料,同侧异位睾丸采用传统睾丸固定术治疗,横过异位病例采用腹腔镜探查,明确异位情况后进行睾丸的解剖复位经患侧腹股沟下拉至阴囊固定。进一步分析其临床病史资料、异位睾丸的不同类型、合并情况、治疗过程、随访预后,总结诊治方法及经验。 结果 本研究共纳入19例异位睾丸患儿,年龄9个月至11岁,年龄中位数18个月。9例睾丸横过异位患儿中,后腹膜横过异位5例,耻骨上横过异位1例,阴囊中隔横过异位3例,术中发现4例横过异位睾丸合并苗氏管永存; 10例同侧异位睾丸中,异位至同侧阴囊外会阴部皮下6例,异位至同侧大腿根部皮下3例,异位至腹股沟皮下浅筋膜囊内1例。所有病例均经手术治疗后随访6个月至5年,无一例手术并发症。随访期间无睾丸萎缩。 结论 异位睾丸具有明显的个体化差异,通过分析异位方式及合并情况,实现解剖复位,能有良好的手术效果。
Objective To summarize the clinical experiences of diagnosing and treating ectopic testes. Methods From January 2008 to October 2015, reviews were conducted for the clinical data of 19 ectopic testis children. Ordinaryorchidopexy was performed for ipsilateralextopic testis. After laparoscopic exploration, anatomical orchidopexy according to the types and locations of ectopic testis. Results The median age was 1.5(0.75~11)years. Among 9 cases of transverse ectopic testes, testes were located in perineal area(n=6), subcutaneous thigh(n=3)and subcutaneous inguinal canal(n=1).Orchidopexy was performed without complications. During a postoperative follow-up period of 6 months to 5 years, there was no occurrence of testicular atrophy. Conclusion s Individual cases of ectopic testis may be managed satisfactorily by orchidopexy with excellent outcomes.